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Sensors enable you to take action in response to events that occur either internally within Dagster or in external systems. They check for events at regular intervals and either perform an action or provide an explanation for why the action was skipped.

Examples of events include:

  • a run completes in Dagster
  • a run fails in Dagster
  • a job materializes a specific asset
  • a file appears in an s3 bucket
  • an external system is down

Examples of actions include:

  • launching a run
  • sending a Slack message
  • inserting a row into a database

An alternative to polling with sensors is to push events to Dagster using the Dagster API.


To follow the steps in this guide, you'll need:

Basic sensor

Sensors are defined with the @sensor decorator. The following example includes a check_for_new_files function that simulates finding new files. In a real scenario, this function would check an actual system or directory.

If the sensor finds new files, it starts a run of my_job. If not, it skips the run and logs No new files found in the Dagster UI.

import random
from typing import List

import dagster as dg

# Define the asset
def my_asset(context: dg.AssetExecutionContext):"Hello, world!")

# Define asset job
my_job = dg.define_asset_job("my_job", selection=[my_asset])

# Define file check
def check_for_new_files() -> list[str]:
if random.random() > 0.5:
return ["file1", "file2"]
return []

# Define the sensor
default_status=dg.DefaultSensorStatus.RUNNING, # Sensor is turned on by default
def new_file_sensor():
new_files = check_for_new_files()
# New files, run `my_job`
if new_files:
for filename in new_files:
yield dg.RunRequest(run_key=filename)
# No new files, skip the run and log the reason
yield dg.SkipReason("No new files found")

defs = dg.Definitions(assets=[my_asset], jobs=[my_job], sensors=[new_file_sensor])


Unless a sensor has a default_status of DefaultSensorStatus.RUNNING, it won't be enabled when first deployed to a Dagster instance. To find and enable the sensor, click Automation > Sensors in the Dagster UI.

To explicitly disable a sensor, you can use DefaultSensorStatus.STOPPED.

Customizing intervals between evaluations

The minimum_interval_seconds argument allows you to specify the minimum number of seconds that will elapse between sensor evaluations. This means that the sensor won't be evaluated more frequently than the specified interval.

It's important to note that this interval represents a minimum interval between runs of the sensor and not the exact frequency the sensor runs. If a sensor takes longer to complete than the specified interval, the next evaluation will be delayed accordingly.

# Sensor will be evaluated at least every 30 seconds
@dg.sensor(job=my_job, minimum_interval_seconds=30)
def new_file_sensor():

In this example, if the new_file_sensor's evaluation function takes less than a second to run, you can expect the sensor to run consistently around every 30 seconds. However, if the evaluation function takes longer, the interval between evaluations will be longer.

Preventing duplicate runs

To prevent duplicate runs, you can use run keys to uniquely identify each RunRequest. In the previous example, the RunRequest was constructed with a run_key:

yield dg.RunRequest(run_key=filename)

For a given sensor, a single run is created for each RunRequest with a unique run_key. Dagster will skip processing requests with previously used run keys, ensuring that duplicate runs won't be created.

Cursors and high volume events

When dealing with a large number of events, you may want to implement a cursor to optimize sensor performance. Unlike run keys, cursors allow you to implement custom logic that manages state.

The following example demonstrates how you might use a cursor to only create RunRequests for files in a directory that have been updated since the last time the sensor ran.

import os

import dagster as dg


def my_asset(context: dg.AssetExecutionContext):"Hello, world!")

my_job = dg.define_asset_job("my_job", selection=[my_asset])

# Enable sensor context
def updated_file_sensor(context):
# Get current cursor value from sensor context
last_mtime = float(context.cursor) if context.cursor else 0

max_mtime = last_mtime

# Loop through directory
for filename in os.listdir(MY_DIRECTORY):
filepath = os.path.join(MY_DIRECTORY, filename)
if os.path.isfile(filepath):
# Get the file's last modification time (st_mtime)
fstats = os.stat(filepath)
file_mtime = fstats.st_mtime

# If the file was updated since the last eval time, continue
if file_mtime <= last_mtime:

# Construct the RunRequest with run_key and config
run_key = f"{filename}:{file_mtime}"
run_config = {"ops": {"my_asset": {"config": {"filename": filename}}}}
yield dg.RunRequest(run_key=run_key, run_config=run_config)

# Keep the larger value of max_mtime and file last updated
max_mtime = max(max_mtime, file_mtime)

# Update the cursor

defs = dg.Definitions(assets=[my_asset], jobs=[my_job], sensors=[updated_file_sensor])

For sensors that consume multiple event streams, you may need to serialize and deserialize a more complex data structure in and out of the cursor string to keep track of the sensor's progress over the multiple streams.


The preceding example uses both a run_key and a cursor, which means that if the cursor is reset but the files don't change, new runs won't be launched. This is because the run keys associated with the files won't change.

If you want to be able to reset a sensor's cursor, don't set run_keys on RunRequests.

Next steps

By understanding and effectively using these automation methods, you can build more efficient data pipelines that respond to your specific needs and constraints.