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Viewing and accessing audit logs

The Dagster+ audit log enables Dagster+ Pro organizations to track and attribute changes to their Dagster deployment.

For large organizations, tracking down when and by whom changes were made can be crucial for maintaining security and compliance. The audit log is also valuable for tracking operational history, including sensor and schedule updates.

This guide walks through how to access the audit log and details the interactions which are tracked in the audit log.


To view or access the Dagster+ audit log, you will need:

Viewing audit logs in the UI

To view the audit logs in the UI:

  1. As a Dagster+ Pro organization admin, click your user icon at the top right corner of the page.
  2. Click Organization settings.
  3. Click the Audit log tab.

Each entry in the audit log indicates when an action was taken, the user who performed the action, the type of action taken, and the deployment that the action affected. To view additional details for an action, click the Show button.

Filtering the audit log

The Filter button near the top left of the page can be used to filter the list of logs. You can filter to a combination of user, event type, affected deployment, or time frame.

Programmatically accessing audit logs

You can programmatically access audit logs with the Dagster+ GraphQL API.

To access a visual GraphiQL interface, visit https://<org><deployment>/graphql in a browser. You can also query the API directly using the Python client:

Audit log GraphQL query
query AuditLogQuery(
$limit: Int,
$cursor: String,
$filters: AuditLogFilters
) {
auditLog {
auditLogEntries(limit: $limit, cursor: $cursor, filters: $filters) {

Audit log entry types

Event typeDescriptionAdditional details
Log inA user logs in to the Dagster+ organization
Update sensorA user toggles a sensor on or offThe sensor name, code location, and cursor
Update scheduleA user toggles a schedule on or offThe schedule name, code location, and cursor
Update alert policyA user modifies an alert policyThe new configuration for the alert policy
Create deploymentA user creates a new deploymentWhether the deployment is a branch deployment
Delete deploymentA user removes an existing deploymentWhether the deployment is a branch deployment
Create user tokenA user creates a new user token
Revoke user tokenA user revokes an existing user token
Create code locationA user creates a new code locationThe code location name, image, and git metadata
Update code locationA user updates an existing code locationThe code location name, image, and git metadata
Delete code locationA user removes a code locationThe code location name
Change user permissionsA user alters permissions for another userThe permission grant and targeted deployment
Create agent tokenA user creates a new agent token
Revoke agent tokenA user revokes an existing agent token
Update agent token permissionsA user alters permissions for an agent tokenThe permission grant and targeted deployment
Create secretA user creates a new environment variableThe created variable name
Update secretA user modifies an existing environment variableThe previous and current variable names and whether the value was changed
Delete secretA user removes an environment variableThe deleted variable name
Update subscriptionA user modifies the selected Dagster+ subscription for the organizationThe previous and current plan types